DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide

4.5 out of 5 stars 9 Reviews | 40 Q&A

DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.7

9 Reviews | 40 Q&A

Product Overview

DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide is the bestselling insecticide for use in organic gardening and is listed by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute). Use DiPel PRO DF to control more than thirty different kinds of pests: bagworms, loopers, budworms, armyworms, and caterpillars. The formulation is a dry flowable that is free of dust, easy to measure, easy to mix, and easy to apply.  DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide has minimal effect on the environment, non-target animals, humans, and is biodegradable.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp. Kurstaki, Strain ABTS-351 54%
Target pests Loopers, budworms, bagworms, armyworms, tent caterpillars, azalea caterpillar, bagworm, blackheaded budworm, california oakworm, diamondback moth, douglas fir tussock moth, ello moth, elm spanworm, fall webworm, fruittree leafroller, greenstriped maple worm, gypsy moth, hemlock looper, jack pine budworm, lo moth, looper, mimosa webworm, oleander moth, omnivorous leafroller, omnivorous looper, pine butterfly, redhumped caterpillar, saddle prominent caterpillar, saddleback caterpillar, saltmarsh caterpillar, sod webworm, spring and fall cankerworm, spruce budroom, tent caterpillar, tobacco budworm, and western tussock moth. See label for complete list.
For use in Ornamentals and landscape. See label for complete list.
Pet safe Yes, when used as directed.
Shipping Weight 1.10 lbs
Manufacturer Valent Usa Corp
EPA Registration 73049-39
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DiPel DF is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    bag worms

    By Carolyn on 09/04/2015

    I have used DiPel for years, a little goes a long way. I love my conical shrubs and trees, but sometimes they get bagworms. One spray usually gets rid of them all. It is not so easy to pick bag worms off a 12 to 25 foot tree, so I put the Dipel in a sprayer and spray them. It is comforting to know that this insecticide does not harm the beneficial insects or the wildlife, including birds, butterflies, etc.

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    35 of 37 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Wettable powder is the best form of Bt.

    By Mark on 07/24/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Dipel wettable powder is the most economical, effective and long storing alternative for delivering Bt (Bacillus thuringensis) where you need it. Stored properly, it keeps for years. I used it on my sweet corn this year, and it produced almost 100% control of corn earworms. Also used it on my broccoli, which is almost impossible to grow here in the south without Bt to keep cabbage wing moths and loopers under control. I highly recommend this product.

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    33 of 34 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Treatment for Wax Moths in Supers

    By Richard on 08/31/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I am a Bee Keeper and store my Supers for the winter. The Supers have drawn out Comb which Wax Moths like. They will tunnel and destroy honey comb being stored. I spray each side and stack them 5 high and cover with a hive top. I don't have any problem with Wax Moths when using this product. This chemical is also naturally found in Honey and is not harmful to the bees. I just let the supers air for 3 days before putting them on a hive.

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    31 of 33 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Another use of DF Biological Insecticide

    By Richard on 09/21/2012

    Verified Purchase

    After I extract the Honey from my Supers I let the bees clean up the frames of Cone. For storing the Wax Cone overwinter I spray a mist of DF on the frames and wax. It keeps the Wax Moths out of my Wax Foundations. Frames with Drawn out cone is very expensive. Thanks.

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    18 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Debbie on 11/03/2015

    Great for the garden and the evergreens!

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    9 of 10 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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is there a systemic treatment for bagworms on an evergreen?

The only systemic insecticide that we are aware of that is labeled for bagworms is Bonide Systemic Insect Control with Acephate but it is only labeled for use on shade trees and you must spray all of the foliage to get the desired results.Below you will see what we usually recommend for bagworm control.

Bagworm recommendations:

It is important to start control methods before a major infestation occurs. Once the bagworms have matured and have formed the "bag" most chemical control methods will no longer work.

You can manually control bagworms by simply plucking them off of the infested trees and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water or squishing them.  This control method is most useful during fall, winter and early spring, before the eggs inside the bag have hatched.

Chemical control may be achieved when the larvae are small and just emerging from the over-wintering bag.  Use a concentrated liquid insecticide such as Talstar or Tempo. Foliage should be thoroughly wetted with the insecticide spray in order to achieve thorough coverage.  When doing an insecticide treatment, timing is key. To find out the correct time of year to treat for bagworms in your region contact you local Cooperative Extension office. These offices can prove to be invaluable when treating for insect pests.

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86 of 97 people found this answer helpful

Can product be applied w/sprinkling can, and what is dilution?

I do have a one-gallon sprayer available, when and how should product be applied? There are no clear instructions on the paperwork. Also, the print is too small to read. Thanks for your help.


Below is a link to the Dipel PRO DF Biological Insecticide so that you can see the instructions in larger print. Depending on the reason you are using the product you will use 1/2 tsp - 4 tsp per gallon of water. You can apply this product using a sprinkling can or hand pump sprayer.


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65 of 72 people found this answer helpful

How much DiPel PRO DF do I use per gallon of water?

You will use 1/2 - 4 teaspoons of DiPel PRO DF per gallon of water, depending on what pest(s) you are treating.  Please see the product label for specific instructions. 

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43 of 67 people found this answer helpful

What is the shelf life of Dipel Pro DF Biological Insecticide?

I bought some last fall. Do I need to re-buy? I still have plenty but I wonder if this stuff looses effectivenes


DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide will have a three year shelf life if stored away from extreme temperatures and in the original packaging for the most effective control. If you purchased last year, the product should be effective now as long as it has not been wet or obtained moisture during storage.

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34 of 36 people found this answer helpful

How should DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide be applied?

I am confused.....do I mix this with water or apply it as is through a dry sprayer? The enclosed directions are printed so small they are hard to read. Everything is listed except directions for usage. Please help before the bugs infest my gooseberries and red currents again this year.

DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide needs to be mixed with water.  Depending on what insect(s) you are using it to treat, you will use 1/2 tsp - 4 tsp of DiPel PRO per gallon of water. You can find a larger, easier-to-read version of the product label here.  

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DiPel PRO DF Biological Insecticide 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.7 (9 Reviews / 40 Q&A)

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