Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide

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Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide
Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide
Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide
$139.30  $154.78  Save 10%!

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5 out of 5 stars Rating: 5

6 Reviews | 50 Q&A

Product Overview

Gallery herbicide is a specialty pre-emergent herbicide containing the active ingredient isoxaben. Gallery 75 DF (DF stands for Dry Flowable) prevents the growth of broadleaf weeds for up to eight months and is labeled for use on all established cool-season and warm-season turfgrass types. It can even be used on 490 field-grown and 380 container-grown ornamentals, ground covers, nursery stock, non-bearing fruit and nut crops, non-bearing vineyards and non-cropland areas. Gallery 75 DF is designed to PREVENT weeds and will not assist in controlling existing weeds.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Isoxaben 75%
Target pests Over 40 broadleaf weeds and weed grasses including: Aster, Bursage, Burweed, Celery, Chamber-bitter, Chickweed, Clover, Cudweed, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Fleabane, Groundcherry, Henbit, Horseweed, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Little Mallow, Indian Mustard, Wild Mustard, Black Nightshade, Virginia Pepperweed, Pigweed, Pineappleweed, Plantain, Purslane, Radish, Ragweed, Rocket, Shepherdspurse, Sibara, Smartweed (PA), Sowthistle, Speedwell (purslane), Telegraphplant, Thistle (Russian) and others
* See label for complete list
For use in Commercial Turf-grass, Landscape Ornamentals, Container Grown Ornamentals, Field Grown Ornamentals, Christmas Tree/Conifer Plantations and others
* See label for complete list
Application 0.25 to 0.5 oz per 1000 sq. ft. depending on the weeds being treated
- Some weeds may require larger concentration rates
* See label for complete application instructions
Formulation Professional Product
Shipping Weight 1.20 lbs
Manufacturer Dow AgroSciences
EPA Registration 62719-145
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Gallery herbicide is a specialty pre-emergent herbicide containing the active ingredient isoxaben. Gallery 75 Dry Flowable specialty herbicide is for control of certain broadleaf weeds in established turf-grass, landscape ornamentals, container grown ornamentals, field grown ornamentals, groundcovers/perennials, ornamental bulbs, non-bearing fruit and nut trees and non-bearing vineyards, Christmas tree/conifer plantations and non-cropland areas. Apply Gallery 75 Dry Flowable in late summer to early fall, in early spring, or any time prior to germination of target weeds, or immediately after cultivation.

Treatment of Turfgrass or Ornamental Species Not Listed on the Label

Although this label contains a large number of ornamental species, it is not possible to include all of the ornamental plants that may be encountered in nursery or landscape settings. Users who wish to use Gallery 75 Dry Flowable on a plant species not listed on this label may determine the suitability for such use by treating a small area or small number of plants at a specified rate. Prior to treatment of larger areas, the treated area/plants should be observed for any sign of herbicidal injury during 30 to 60 days of typical growing conditions.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Gallery DF Specialty

    By Amador on 02/16/2011

    Verified Purchase

    This product works quite well in the control of broad leaf weeds in Hybrid Bermuda turfgrass used in lawn bowling playing fields.

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    14 of 16 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The Missing Link

    By Rick on 04/18/2015

    Verified Purchase

    Galleryt 75 is the missing link in my lawn-care program - weeds don't need any encouragement to grow here in Florida, and this product prevents that growth... it is such a pleasure not finding elusive weeds growing in my lawn - not needing to get out the poisons and spray equipment! It makes having a lawn a real pleasure once again.

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    11 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Spotted spurge has met it's match

    By Anonymous on 06/27/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Works incredibly well on spotted spurge. Reduced spurge sprouts by easily 500x, probably more, compared to the same time last year. The turf in this case is Tifgreen which is often sensitive to weed control chemicals, but this did not affect it at all, even when sprayed in March before the spring recovery from winter overseeding.  Your mileage may vary.

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    6 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By B. on 03/07/2017

    This product seems to be working using the product's amounts. It may be to early for true results. the weather here in Central Florida has been warm and i have not sen any new weeds growing.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It works!

    By Jennifer on 10/11/2021

    This product works very well to prevent lawn burweed growth in the winter and the subsequent terrible stickers in summer lawns.

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    4 of 4 people found this review helpful

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Questions & Answers

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How do I mix Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide?

I just received my order. I have a 1 and a 2 gallon pump sprayer, and I want to use to apply this in the common area next to my lawn. I don't see any mixing instructions. How do I mix this up? Thanks.

On page 3 of the product label are the instructions you are seeking.  You can use the lid of the Gallery 75 DF to measure the proper amount of product:  "When filled to the level of the inner lip, the cap contains approximately 1/2 oz, which is the amount of Gallery 75 DF needed to treat a 1,000 sq ft area." You can mix the 1/2 oz of product with 1-2 gallons of water. It is important to use the mixture immediately and to keep the mixture agitated to stop the product from settling to the bottom of the sprayer. The actual amount of water that you use is not important as it acts only as a carrier for the Gallery 75 DF and does not actually dilute the product.

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How long after spraying is it safe to allow pets in the sprayed area?

I have a couple of 12 lb dogs that run in the yard where I wish to get rid of dandelions and would be concerned over their safety with this product. Thanks

Gallery is a very safe product to use around pets when used as directed. You should have the pets inside while you are applying the product.  Once applied, it typically takes about an hour to dry.  After that time it is perfectly safe to let the dogs back in the yard.  When this product is mixed with water it is quite diluted and should have no effects on a dog or any animal for that matter.

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Does Gallery 75 DF Specialty need to be watered in after application?

I assume this product does not require watering in after application, correct?


Yes, a single rainfall or sprinkler irrigation of 0.5 inches or more is necessary to activate Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide.

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Can Gallery 75 be used to control the chamberbitter weed?
Yes, the Gallery 75 DF Herbicide is labeled to be used to control chamberbitter as well as a large variety of other broadleaf weeds. According to the Gallery 75 product label, you will need to use 0.38oz per 1000 sq/ft in no less than 2 gallons of water. 

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Can Gallery be applied using a hose end sprayer rather than a pump tank sprayer?

Can Gallery be applied using a hose end sprayer rather than a pump tank sprayer. I do have both but was wondering how to keep track of what areas have been sprayed when using a tank sprayer. Any advice would be appreciated.

Most folks use a tank sprayer to apply Gallery so that they can be sure that they are getting even coverage. Hose end sprayers can not be easily calibrated and are not usually recommended for use with herbicides such as Gallery. You can either mark off the area that needs to be treated in 1,000 sq ft sections to make applications easy or you can use a dye additive so that you can see where you have sprayed. We carry the Turf Mark Blue Liquid and the Turf Mark Blue Tablets for this use.

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Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 5 (6 Reviews / 50 Q&A)

$139.30 + Free Shipping*